Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sonseed EP Released

Arena Rock Recording Company has released a CD (I'm guessing an EP) of five of Sonseed's songs:

1. Sonseed
2. Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine
3. Another Kind Of Love Song
4. The Opened Door
5. Oh Happy Day

Arena Rock is selling the EP for ten dollars. The (illegal) full album (ripped from the original vinyal record) can still be downloaded here for free. But I'm guessing the CD is a remastered version of all songs.

The Arena Rock page also includes a nice hi-res picture of the band.

Sonseedaholic ©2008-2011
The Sonseedaholic website, blog, MySpace, Facebook group, and YouTube channel are in no way related to the band Sonseed.
The Sonseedaholic website, blog, MySpace, Facebook group, and YouTube channel are fan run.
